More drypoint etching on plexi-plate printing – Sassy Bird

I etched out this small bird on a small square plexi-plate, trying to capture the bird’s activity and swift movements. I ended up with this great sassy little bird.

Bird - mixed blue and yellow inks on beige paper - AP

Playing with the ink application, I began trying different inks together on the plate. I made some inks blend completely and then on other prints, tried to keep the inks to different areas of the plate. And I played with printing on different types of paper.
I really did enjoy this project.

Again, I’m still new to this and was having too much fun creating different effects, so all my prints are currently AP, or Artist Prints, so no proper series.

Bird - mixed green ink on white cotton paper - AP

Bird - mixed red inks on beige paper - AP

Bird - mixed ochre ink on blue paper with plexi-plate - AP 
