First Drypoint Etching with Plexi-plates – Single Daisy

I’ve also been experimenting with printing from drypoint etched plexi-plates. Here are some prints from my Single Daisy plate. I’m new to plexi-printing so all my prints are currently AP, Artist Prints.
I find I enjoy mixing the inks on the plate and making different effects with how much or little extra ink haze I leave on the plate.

Single Daisy print in green ink, and plate
- Drypoint etching
The daisy is drawn from one of my many photographs. I take pictures wherever I go – with my cellphone or with my real camera.

Drypoint plexi-plate printing requires a printing press, so it’ll be a while before I can make more – hopefully in September.
But I have more examples to show in my next post!

Daisy - mixed blue ink on blue cotton paper - AP


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